Current Student Price Lock 1

Current Student Signup

Welcome to The New Acton Karate and Krav Maga billing system.

"All Current Students" will need to sign-up and register your billing information via this special sign-up page. This is a private link for current students only price reflects special discounts with no sign-up fee.

There are 2 Price options for current students

Current students can either choose to stay at their current monthly tuition rates and are allowed to continue to participate in 2 classes per week, or they can choose to upgrade to the New Acton Karate & Krav Maga Memberships which will allow students access to an extra day of training and the ability to participate in all age-level appropriate classes that are offered.

Only $15 difference to Upgrade to 3 days / Week

4 days possibly coming soon included in this price

New 3 Day Program!!!

New Acton Karate Membership

Now Includes 3 days of Training

4 days possibly coming soon included in this price

$130 - 1 student ($15 increase)

$240 - 2 students ($10 increase)

$330 - Family Deal 3 or more students

Access and the ability to participate in all age-level appropriate classes that are offered.

  • Classes are now offered 3 Days / Week
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday (New Extra Class)
  • Thursday

Sign-Up Now For 3 Days!!!

Sign-Up Now

Limited 2-Day Program

Stay at Current Rate $115

Limited to Only Two Days of Training / Week

$115 - 1 student

$230 - 2 students

$25 - Each additional family member

$115 Monthly Tuition Karate and Krav Maga

Can Only Participate in 2 age-level appropriate classes 1 class per day

  • Tuesday
  • Thursday

Keep my Current program of


Sign-Up Now
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